Keep your files online, safely away
from your PC.
Backup, store, retrieve, and share your
files anytime, anywhere.
Protect your files with powerful
Works great with Webmail
Virtual Safe Deposit Box keeps files safe and
separate from your PC.
You control access with password-protection
and powerful encryption!
A bank vault is an ideal place to store documents you
can't replace, like stock certificates, titles and
deeds. But what about your important and private PC
files? Most people back up files and store them onto
removable disks. But disks are just as vulnerable to
theft or damage as a PC.
Here's the answer: New Virtual Safe Deposit Box!
Now you can keep your important files like household
inventory, will, financial spreadsheets and more
bank-vault safe.
Your backups are safe because we monitor
and physically protect our redundant,
state-of-the-art servers 24/7.
Backup, store, retrieve, and share your files
anytime, anywhere you have an Internet
connection. It’s so convenient – as easy as checking
your email! And your files are safe because only the
proper password can open them.
Tired of ISP restrictions on email-attachment
size? Bypass them! With Virtual Safe Deposit
Box, you can stop worrying about those 2MB or 5MB
limitations. Use its easy-upload interface -- and
share whatever you want with friends, family and
associates! Webmail user? Great!
Virtual Safe Deposit Box integrates seamlessly. You
can store your emails and attachments right there --
safe and secure -- without downloading them to your
It's easy to manage your generous 50MB of
storage space because you can compress and
expand even the largest files with a mouse click.
Like a hardened-steel bank vault, Virtual
Safe Deposit keeps your files safe from thieves and
hackers. Industry-leading 128-bit encryption
makes any attempt at illegal access futile.
So why leave your important files vulnerable and
Back them up – safely, securely, and online – for
just pennies a day.
With new Virtual Safe Deposit Box!
Special Introductory
Price: Just $9.95 per year!
Full GIGABYTE (1000 MB) of Space to use!