Did you know?
When you register a domain name, your personal information becomes
immediately available to anyone. Your name,
address, email address(es) and phone number(s) are immediately
placed into a public database.
That private and personal information is then instantly available
to anyone who wants to view it through a simple WHOIS
request from any registrar's webpage (including ours). This
isn't something that HostingDude.com wishes to do -- we're in fact
required by ICANN to provide this information as a
condition of being a domain name registrar.
And the result of this is that your personal information is
completely exposed
to anyone, anywhere, who wishes to view it, and perhaps use it to
SPAM you, to harass or solicit you by telephone, or even worse -
to stalk you or visit your home unannounced.
You may have already gone to a lot of trouble and expense to have
an unlisted or unpublished telephone number and address, only to
now lose that privacy simply because you registered a domain name.
That's why nearly 1 out of every 2 domain names purchased on
HostingDude.com use private domain name registration service to
ensure the domain privacy.
You don't need to lose that privacy!
HostingDude.com has the solution!
You have the ability to change this situation before it even
starts. With a private
("unlisted registration")
through Domains By Proxy? (our affiliated
company), registering a domain name doesn't mean sacrificing your
privacy. Your private domain name is protected, as it is now
a private domain. |